Community Dance
First Saturday “Contra-plus” dancing will be held August 5, 6:30-9:00 p.m., in the Macon County Public Library, opening with a half hour of instruction for beginners followed by two hours of dancing with professional caller Charlotte Crittenden and live music by the band, Late to the Party.
This fun-for-all-ages event features contras, round dances, and waltzes. Attendees don’t need to bring a partner but are welcome to do so, and may bring a closed water container and snack. Wear comfortable clothes; no strong scents, please. People of all experience levels are welcome. For those unfamiliar with contra dance, it’s an especially easy to learn and sociable dance form, with participants moving in long facing lines or in groups, changing partners often. No experience is needed; all dances are taught. First-time attendees and children are admitted free; admission for others is by donation.
The Library is at 149 Siler Farm Road, Franklin, with a wood dance floor, ample lighted parking and wheelchair accessibility. The event is produced by the Arts Council, Friends of Contra Dance in Macon County, and the Macon County Public Library. For details phone 828-524-ARTS or email