Gem Mining
Your guide to gem mining in the Franklin, NC area!
Guide to Gem Mining in the Franklin, NC Area!
Gem mining has been a favorite activity for visitors to the Franklin area for years. As you read on you’ll discover our heritage as “Gem Capital of the World” as well as how to mine, what to look for as you mine, and complete descriptions of active mines in the greater Franklin area!
Keep in mind most mines are open from spring through autumn. As always have you have further questions or need additional information call our toll-free number or use the request information form link found at the top of this page.
Mining History In Macon County – Franklin, NC
Mining for ruby and sapphire began in Macon County in 1870. Called corundum, the minerals were mined commercially for abrasives and gave work to many men. Corundum and other minerals, mica and kaolin, were hauled to the railroad by horse and wagon and shipped out of Macon County in large quantities. Tiffany’s showed an interest in the area in the 1890s but two other companies, American Prospecting & Mining Co. and US Ruby Mining Co. began work hoping to find the source of the rubies found in the corundum mines. Both companies ended the search in the early part of the 20th century leaving the area open to rockhounds and gem enthusiasts. The source hasn’t been found – yet.
What To Bring To The Mines
Bring ziploc bags or a plastic butter dish to take your stones home in (no glass). Rubber gloves are handy if it’s chilly or you have a nice manicure and a hat and some sunblock if it’s sunny although many mines provide cover on the “flume”. The wooden benches get hard as the day goes on so you might need a cushion to sit on or old towels work well too and you can use them to wipe your hands. Wear old clothes and tennis shoes or boots and bring a plastic bag to put your muddy shoes in and an extra pair to wear in the car. Bring a picnic lunch, most mines provide a place to eat out of rain or sun, plan to spend the day! And you will need to bring the camera for those pictures to show friends you played in the mud in North Carolina and found beautiful gem stones.
How To Mine
Most mines sell gem dirt in a bucket or bag (few allow digging) and you may have to pay an admission fee for the day. You are provided with a screen for washing and there is a flume – a trough of running water – with a bench along its length. The dirt goes into the screen, the screen goes into the water and the mud is washed away. Well, it’s not quite that easy but it is completely safe and mine operators are on hand to help with technique and identification.
What To Look For At The Mines
The “3 C’s” of gem mining are Color, Clarity, and Crystals. Gemstones come in every color from white to black. Garnets are glassy red, pink, or reddish brown. Rubies are silky red, sapphires are every other color, and both have a crystal formation with 6 sides. Moonstones are pearly white to gray and peach to chocolate brown with a flat box-like shape. Quartz comes in many forms, sometimes clear colors like Amethyst and Citrine, sometimes opaque colors with mica flecks like Aventurine, and of course clear with sides – quartz crystals. That is just a few of the many gemstones found at local mines. Stop in at one of the many gem shops for a crash course in gem identification or spend some time at The Franklin Gem & Mineral Museum in the old jailhouse on Phillips Street in historic downtown Franklin.
Cherokee Ruby & Sapphire Mine
Franklin , NC 28734

Gold City Gem Mine
Franklin , NC 28734

Highlands Road Gem Mine
Franklin , North Carolina 28734
Jackson Hole Gem Mine
Highlands , NC 28741

Mason Mountain Mine & Cowee Gift Shop
Franklin , NC 28734
Mason’s Ruby & Sapphire Mine
Franklin , NC 28734

Nantahala River Gem Mine
Swain County , North Carolina 28713

Primitive Outback Kayaking and Gem Mining
Otto , North Carolina 28763

Rose Creek Mine & Rock Shop
Franklin , NC 28734
Sheffield Mine
Franklin , NC 28734